Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Escape From Tarkov

 Escape from Tarkov is a game coming soon from the company Battlestate Games, a Russian development company. Now if you haven't heard of this game yet I'm not surprised, as I recently just learned of it as well. But what caught my attention with it is the fact that it is what another game could have been.
  As far as hype for games goes there are few I can think of in recent years that had more hype than Day Z (by Bohemia Interactive.) It started as a mod for ARMA 3 and later turned into a full-scale game which is listed on Steam. The game received a ton of hype, being played by many YouTubers and streamers. But the fatal flaw was the development and the support the game had after launch.
  While it had been listed as in beta they started charging for the game its self which to date has sold over 3 million copies. On steam alone tho the user reviews for the game show errors in the game. With positive reviews numbering in the 100 thousand and negative reviews being 39 thousand. It is a good game but its lacking in many areas.
   This is where Escape comes in. The concept behind the game is close to the same of Day Z but the gameplay, while in alpha, is much more polished than Day Z is. The gameplay features the same mechanics as Day Z in some ways. But the level of detail and craftsmanship that seems to be but in it is amazing.
  From what I've heard of Battlestate Games, they are a small company. There doesn't even seem to be a wiki page for the company currently. There are some developer diaries and reference videos on their site which is listed here. This is looking like it will be a decent game for many different players and play styles. This will be one to keep an eye on as time goes on the page lists 2016 as the year to be ready to escape.

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