Well after much thinking and debating the idea I've finally decided that I'm going to start a blog. Now unfortunately this will not be a subject blog. It's not a food blog, nor a review blog, nor even a travel blog. This will be more of a journey blog. See I've had many idea's over the past few years. A few of which I have followed and some which I've sadly just let slip by. So near the beginning of 2016 I had a few events happened that have led me to a point where I've decided to try and press on with some of them.
Here I'd like to give you a big of an over view of a few of the ideas I will be pursuing this year and a little about the reasoning behind them:
This was a company I set up back in 2011 as a DBA (doing business as) under my father and his business. As a result of my parent's divorce I was effectively expelled from the shop I was doing the work in. This resulted in my closing of my Etsy page and a halt on all projects I had at the time. Over the past two years I've realized I've missed the work I was doing. I love to work with my hands and to build things. I always have. So having procured some of the machinery and tools needed I plan to return to work as soon as I can find a suitable area for me to set up shop, no pun intended.
This is a venture into another world I am very passionate. Feel free to roll you're eyes I can see it coming. This was the idea of a gamer group for both Youtube and just for fun. It was originally started by me and two friends wanting to play games competitively at the start in the rise of such things. After a fall out with me and one of the founding members it was effectively ended. Recent partners have brought it back to light and with to help me press the matter having already set up a decent web presence on some sites such as Facebook and the Steam gaming service. While this will be mostly for fun in my opinion, I won't lie and admit to you that I hope there could be some money in it somehow.
Many times now have I tried vlogging. There are a few videos of which are on Youtube of my attempts. Often times I've recorded a ton of footage and never edited or shared it because I just didn't see it as something that was interesting or worth the time of others to watch. IT was during a recent panic attack I had while driving that I started Snapchating and I felt my anxiety lessen. Since which I have tried to regularly post snaps at least twice a day. Having a drop in anxiety problems since I'm planning to use it as a slow leeway into making me more comfortable in blogging and will start to forge into that.
I spent a lot of 2015 with all sorts of different people. I worked as a manager at a store I had only worked at for a year. Exposing to to people of very different back grounds that I was used to being around. From people who acted in such a way that disgusted me with humanity, to people who have encouraged me in more ways than they know. One of which after hearing many stories of their hardships, and a douse a bit of self loathing, led me many a realization. One of which was that I owe myself better. There are hundreds of things I can accomplish. Just because I have had hardships doesn't mean I can't find a way to over come and do something I want to do. This is why in the fall of this year I will be returning to Calhoun to get a degree.
The past few years have led me to lose and learn a lot. I'd been put down by some of the people I looked up to and was lifted up by people who amazed me. They have pushed me to follow to try new things. To take risks to try things I thought was impossible. I'll never be able to thank them enough. But I hope as I take my risks they will continue to be there for me through all the ups and downs.